What else you need to know:
“If you don’t have time to mask every day, this should be your go to. The oil flushes the skin of impurities that your two-step cleansing system left behind. Your skin will be happier and brighter.”
Warming and strengthening, with regular use it can help to eliminate toxins from your body while stimulating and helping to improve your overall skin tone.
◦Stimulates and improves skin tone
◦Helps to eliminate toxins from your body
◦A blend used for lymphatic drainage by Aromatherapists
Research shows that the human body can easily process and eliminate a normal level of toxic exposure. But the real question is, what’s normal? We put so much junk into our bodies these days, intentionally and unintentionally, that even the healthiest people can be overwhelmed.
Toxins in all shapes and sizes are attacking our bodies on a daily basis. Defined as a foreign substance that leads to disease, they are nearly impossible to avoid. Fortunately, our immune systems are war machines when it comes to battling the toxins that plague our bodies.
If left untreated, these toxins can lead to any number of diseases, including cancer, allergies, immune disorders, hormonal imbalance and mental health, among others.
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